(sponsored by Virginia State University’s Mass Communications Club)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Foster Hall, Room 300, Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA. 23806
We are a feedback festival and you will actually get to hear what people/film lovers think of your film.
Your film will get screened in front of an audience
Filmmakers are encouraged to attend and share with us the ups & downs of making the film, etc. as this festival will also be educational for VSU students interested in making films.
All genres are accepted (documentary, fiction, experimental, music videos, etc.).
The film should not have been submitted to the Festival in the past.
Running Time: Suggested running time is between 2 to 20 minutes.
Films should not be longer than 25 minutes.
Longer submissions may not be fully considered.
No Sexually Explicit Material
No Vulgar Language (mild language within context may be acceptable)
Festival selections will be notified upon receipt and review but no later than Friday, March 27, 2009, unless films are received after that date, but by the deadline.
*The Mass Communications Club ultimately reserves the right to accept or decline films at our discretion.
Mail Entries To:
The Mass Communications Club c/o P.O. Box 9067
Virginia State University
Petersburg, VA. 23806
For More Information: Jennifer Williamson @ (804) 524-6724
Email: vsumasscommclub@yahoo.com
The 3rd Annual Film Festival
(sponsored by Virginia State University’s Mass Communications Club)
*Please read the following submission requirements*
All non-English films must have English sub-titles
Films must be submitted on DVD
Preview DVD should be labeled with the title, running-time and contact email and phone number
Send stills or press kits along with the DVD if available
All films selected for the 3rd Annual Film Festival grant us rights to use DVD and press materials from the film for promotional purposes.
The Mass Communications Club is permitted to retain DVD copies of each film selected as part of our festival library and for media educational use.
You may submit more than one film, but each must be accompanied by its own completed entry form and it must be on the label
Copyright for all sound and images should be cleared
Cost of shipping is the responsibility of the entrant
If you have questions please email: vsumasscommclub@yahoo.com
Films must be received by
Monday, March 30, 2009
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