Welcome to VAIndieSeen!! You have now reached a site that provides the best infotainment on what is happening in the film industry for...LOVERS (Virginia that is). We provide any and everything you need gossip, casting info, movie trailers, and whatever other happenings are going on in the VA indie film Scene. As always with a new site, feedback and suggestions are always appreciated in helping us make this site more efficient and informative.
This site is also an opportunity to be heard and SEEN! That's right! Do you have a short film that needs promotion? Is it on Youtube, Myspace, or Facebook? If so, send us the link and we'll happily upload it to the blog for all film junkies to see your works. This site is also about you!
VAIndieSeen is for just about anyone: filmmakers, students, writers, actors, press, and anyone who has a love a passion for filmmaking at any capacity. The blog focuses on independent film, however mainstream films and movie reviews will be popular on this site.
Every new blogsite demands feedback. If there is something you are interested in seeing on this site please contact us!
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