The 2009 Old Dominion University—City of Norfolk Film Festival starts Thursday March 26 and ends Sunday March 28. The film festival contains film screenings, symposia, lectures, panel discussions and social events inaugurated a decade ago. The ONFilm Festival of Independent Film will for the first time screen only Independent Films, offering prizes and screenings by film industry executives as it becomes one of the premiere film festivals on the East Coast.
The ONFilm Festival of Independent Film offers festival-goers a stay in a growing tourist mecca where filmmakers will enjoy the delightful quality of life with industry professionals, distributors, and the public.
Below is the intinerary list of events at this year's fest!
2009 ONFILM FESTIVAL of Independent Film Festival at a Glance
(NOTE: Each screening block allows for up to 2 hours of film F = feature; D = documentary; S = short; SS = short short; NC = Not in Competition)
Wednesday, March 257:30-9:30 p.m. Big Blue Room*, “A Conversation with Constant Convocation Richard Dreyfuss”Center Opening Reception with Filmmakers FREE ODU Jazz Ensemble performs; cash bar Reception Co-Sponsored by the ODU Alumni Association and Town’N’Gown
Thursday, March 26 5:00-7:00 p.m. University Theatre Swimming with Sharks/Students $5 / General $10 with Stephen Israel LIVE! 5:00-7:00 p.m. Big Blue Room*
Money Please!/5:30
Constant Convocation Not Sacks/D/9:30
Center Under the Snow/F/99”Students $5 / General $10 5:00-7:00 p.m. Mills Godwin Life
Mother of All (Mere-bi)/D/55”/NCSciences Building Panel discussion to follow
Auditorium Students $5/General $10 7:30-9:30 p.m.
University Theatre Canned / SS / 5”Students $5 / General $10 Hot Dog / SS / 5:50”Buckets / S / 10:31”LaLa’s Gun / F / 99”7:30-9:30 p.m. Big Blue Room*,
Ted Vitruvius’ Toybox /SS/6”Constant Convocation The Cave/SS/3:22”
Center Pinhas /S/30”Students $5 / General $10
Halakeh /F/50”7:30-9:30 p.m. Mills Godwin Life Revolution ‘67/D/90”/NCSciences Building Panel discussion to followAuditorium Students $5 / General $10
10:00-Midnight University Theatre NORFOLK@NIGHT:Students $5 / General $10 Teachers
Pet /SS/5:35
Irish Twins /S/19:47
Playing Columbine /D/94”
Friday, March 27 3:30 p.m. University Theatre ODU Student Filmmaking Free and open to the public Presentation and AwardsPresentation and Screening5:00-7:00p.m. University Theatre Kanizsa Hill /SS/7:30”Students $5 / General $10
Woman’s Work /S/21”Pocket Change /D/89”5:00-7:00 p.m. Big Blue Room*
The Cave/SS/3:22”Constant Convocation Buckets/S/10:30”Center Batter Up/S/12:22”Students $5/General $10 Desert Brides/D/86”5:00-7:00 p.m. Batten Arts and Letters Dismal/F/90”/NCBuilding Auditorium Panel discussion to followStudents $5 / General $107:30-9:30 p.m. University Theatre
Pink, Blue, Yellow / D/41”Students $5 / General $10 Idiots and Angels /F/78”7:30-9:30 p.m. Big Blue Room*
The Coffee Break/S/10:00”Constant Convocation About Face /SS/5:51”Center Gone Fishing /S/13”Students $5 / General $10
The Last Days of Shishmaref /D/93” 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Batten Arts and Letters Chasing Warbirds/50”/NCBuilding Auditorium Special screening of Television Pilot/Students $5/General $10 Panel with New Dominion Pictures’ President Nicolas Valcour and others
10:00-Midnight University Theatre NORFOLK@NIGHT: 2 HOURS of SHORT & SHORT SHORTS!!!
Saturday, March 2811:00 a.m. – 1p.m. Batten Arts and Letters Third Annual Career Day Expo: Building Auditorium Filmmaking in Hampton Roads 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Batten Arts and Letters Filmmaking Panel DiscussionBuilding Auditorium10:00 a.m. until 4:30
Naro Cinema AWARD-WINNERS MARATHON!!!Students $5 / General $108:00-10:00 p.m.
Granby Theater 2009 ONFILMFEST Awards GalaStudents $10 / General $20 Dance with the Rhythm KingsFree food /cash bar*Screenings in the Big Blue Room will feature cabaret-style seating with food and beverages available ($). Auditorium style seating will be available as well.